Linux system in an hour or less

When you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. Your tastes only narrow and exclude people. so create. — why the lucky stiff

Consider the following question from section II: Audience of Linux From Scratch (LFS) project:

Why go through all the hassle of manually building a Linux system from scratch when you can just download and install an existing one?

I don’t have a compelling reason myself, and chances are, neither do you. But it’s fun, so let’s build a linux system from scratch, for sheer entertainment.

We will go through building a very minimal linux system that just works to get an idea of how things work and interact together, we will build more advanced systems in later articles, but for now, let’s stick with the very basics.

In order to build a (minimal) Linux system we need to have:

  • a Linux kernel,
  • system libraries,
  • system utils, and
  • a shell

In the following sections we will briefly discuss what each componenet is responsible for and why do we need it.

Linux kernel

The kernel is the first part of the system that is loaded in memory, starts working and loads the rest of the system. It’s a program responsible for bootstrapping and managing the resources of the system.

The kernel abstracts away most hardware details so application developers wouldn’t have to worry if they are reading files from a FAT32 partition on a spinning harddisk or reading a file from network over an InfiniBand connection.

System Libraries

The kernel exposes an ABI to applications that can be used to interact with the system components like devices, file systems, processes, networking, etc. However, the ABI exposed by the kernel is minimal and only offers the smallest possible set of routines required to operate the system.

For more advanced system routines/functionality, we have user-space libraries. These libraries offer extra functionality not offered by the kernel directly, like compression, cryptography, rendering, etc.

The most important library is the C Standard Library libc. This library acts as a glue/wrapper over kernel routines and offers some extra functionality. Almost all applications use libc. We will be using musl-libc, which is a small yet correct C standard library.

System Utils

While system libraries offer enough functionality to use the system, we still need to write code to use them. System utils is a set of common applications that most people would need, such as cat, ls, cp, mv, etc.

These utils are pre-written and can be used directly by users to execute common operations. In our case we will be using BusyBox which is a single binary that has many utils and can be used to build a small system.


Finally, we need a shell. The shell is yet another program that is used by users directly to execute commands, combine programs to create pipelines, and offers some scripting interface.

Luckily, BusyBox already provides a shell and we will be using it.

Setting up the environment

Create a directory to store everything related to this article, we will have a lot of files.

We will be using qemu to test the system we build, make sure to install it.

We use docker to create a build environment that is consistent across distros. This is a minimal Dockerfile to create a docker image that includes all the packages required to build the system:

FROM alpine
RUN apk add build-base gcc ncurses-dev xz

Build the image

$ docker build -t lfs-build .

Create a directory called src/ to store all the source packages we will need along with a few directories under src/

$ mkdir -p src/{boot,sysroot}

Run the container and mount src/ inside it:

$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/src:/src lfs-build

All the following commands should be executed inside the container (unless otherwise specified).

Building the kernel

Head to and fetch a kernel tarball of any (recent) kernel version. I’m using 4.14.200.

Download the tarball to /src/ and extract it

$ wget -P /src/
$ cd /src; tar xJf linux-4.14.200.tar.xz
$ cd linux-4.14.200

The kernel is configured through a configuration file called .config, the file contains a set of params starting with CONFIG_ that we can alter to enable/disable some kernel parts/modules and set some pre-defined values.

Most distros provide the config used to build the kernel you’re currently running, it’s usually /boot/config-$(uname -r), you can check it to know what params were used in your kernel.

The default config for x86_64 is rather huge and takes a lot of time to build. Since we only interest ourselves in a small system, we can disable most parts.

Instead of starting from scratch or starting from the full default config, we will start with a tinyconfig bundled in the kernel. This is a minimal configuration that boots the kernel, but doesn’t do much, we will use it as a starting point for our configuration. To generate a tiny .config file execute the following command:

$ make tinyconfig

You can then inspect .config file and see which configurations values are set, it’s okay if you don’t know/understand most of these values, but your luckiest guess is likely correct.

While this config by itself is enough to boot the kernel, it’s not enough for our purposes, we will need to edit a few parts. The kernel has a nice UI for easily editing configuration, execute the following command:

$ make menuconfig

You should be presented with a screen inside the terminal, use the following block as a guide to what params we need to enable, leave everything else as is.

[*] 64-bit kernel

Device Drivers --->
    Character devices --->
        [*] Enable TTY

General setup --->
    [*] Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
    -*- Configure standard kernel features (expert users) --->
        [*] Enable support for printk

Executable file formats / Emulations --->
    [*] Kernel support for ELF binaries
    [*] Kernel support for scripts starting with #!

Here’s a breakdown of the params and why we need them:

  • 64-bit kernel: the default tinyconfig builds a 32-bit kernel, most machines are 64-bit nowadays so we enable it.
  • Enable TTY: We need TTY support in order to run applications that need a terminal.
  • Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk: Instead of having to support block devices, SCSI drivers, Filesystems, we will just package our entire system as a ramdisk image and load it in memory directly.
  • Enable support for printk: We enable printk support so we would get boot log messages and other console messages printed out.
  • Kernel support for ELF binaries: We enable ELF support in order to be able to run the system utils and applications.
  • Kernel support for scripts starting with #!: We enable shebang scripts support because it’s heavily used.

After saving the config, we are now ready to build the kernel, execute the following command and lean back, it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

$ make -j$(nproc)

After the kernel builds successfully, we need to install the kernel headers into our system root sysroot, and copy the kernel image to the boot directory.

$ make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/src/sysroot/usr headers_install
$ cp arch/x86/boot/bzImage /src/boot/vmlinuz

Now we can test our kernel, try running it from the host machine by executing the following command:

$ qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 128M -kernel boot/vmlinuz

The kernel should attempt to boot and panic with a not syncing: No working init found. message.

Now we need a working init process, which is provided by BusyBox as well. In order to build BusyBox, we need a working C Library.

init is the first process started by the kernel, it’s supposed to bootstrap the rest of the system components. systemd is the most widely used init process.

Building musl-libc

Head to and download the latest release. I’m using musl-1.2.1.

$ wget -P /src/
$ cd /src; tar xzf musl-1.2.1.tar.gz
$ cd musl-1.2.1

musl-libc uses a configure script for configuration like most normal applications. We only need to set prefix to /usr.

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr

After the command succeeds, we should be ready to build and install musl-libc into our sysroot.

$ make -j$(nproc)
$ make DESTDIR=/src/sysroot install

This installs musl-libc into the sysroot, try looking around inside sysroot to see how it looks like.

Building BusyBox

We are now ready to build BusyBox! Head to and fetch the latest release. I’m using busybox-1.32.0.

$ wget -P /src/
$ cd /src; tar xjf busybox-1.32.0.tar.bz2
$ cd busybox-1.32.0

BusyBox is configured the same way Linux is configured.

$ make menuconfig

We need to set a few values:

Settings --->
    [*] Build static binary (no shared libs)
    (/src/sysroot) Path to sysroot
    (/src/sysroot) Destination path for 'make install' 

Linux System Utilities --->
    [ ] eject

Then build and install BusyBox

$ make -j$(nproc)
$ make install

Making initrd

Now that we have everything setup, we just need to create a ramdsik from our sysroot, ramdisks are CPIO archives (optionally compressed).

$ cd /src/sysroot; find . | cpio -oH newc > ../boot/initrd.img

We should now have vmlinuz and initrd.img under /src/boot.

Running it

On the host machine, try running qemu with the kernel and the ramdisk we just built.

$ qemu-kvm -m 512M -kernel src/boot/vmlinuz -initrd src/boot/initrd.img

It should boot successfully and drop you to a shell prompt.


In this article we went through building a very minimalistic linux system with all the required components, it’s far from usable though. You can tinker with it a bit and maybe make it more usable. In later articles we will get more in depth for each component, how it works and how to build a fully functional system.